The Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF) supports staff, projects and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential. We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support.
La Fundación SHSEF apoya al personal, los proyectos y los programas de Sequoia para asegurar que cada estudiante goce de la oportunidad de realizar su máximo potencial. Recaudamos fondos para la asesoría universitaria, enriquecimiento escolar, desarrollo profesional del personal, y recursos de apoyo para los estudiantes y sus familias.
Thanks to our Diamond Business Partners
Visit our Business Partners page for a complete list of partners.
Board of Directors
Bethany Mateosian, President
Sean Priest, Principal
Erica Carter, Treasurer
Anjanette Lundell, Secretary
Margaret Brockman, Leadership Circle Co-Chair
Jennifer Rudy, Leadership Circle Co-Chair
Michelle Nayfack, Leadership Circle Co-Chair
Elisa Niño-Sears, Special Giving Chair
Brian Evans, Database Chair
Josie Gillian, Database Coordinator & Corporate Matching
Leslie Ostrander, Freshman Welcome Co-Chair
Danielle Van Wert, Freshman Welcome Co-Chair
Michelle Huljev, Communication Chair
Jackie King, Business Partner Program Chair
Katherine Sherman, Board Development Chair
Abid Kemal, Grants Chair
Aparna Ramakrishnan, Grants Team
Tessa Yeager, Staff Liaison
David Taylor, Boosters Liaison
Karen Gebhart, PTSA President
Christle Waters, Visual and Performing Arts Liaison
Hilary Paulson, Foundation Manager
Thank you to our generous donors and volunteers who make a difference in supporting an education that empowers all students at Sequoia!